Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Meet our Clients - Impawsible Pups

Little Luxuries of Virginia is very please to highlight "Impawsible Pups" this month. We met Valerie Paul over two years ago and we want to tell you all about her.  After adopting, Cody, her first dog, she wanted to learn more about him and decided to attend dog training school.  She enjoyed it so much that she decided to do it full time, and in March 2009, she started Impawsible Pups, an in-home, dog training business.  Her mission was to help owners be as happy with their dogs as she was with Cody, and things have gone quite well.  Valerie has done a lot of work with the Henrico Humane Society in placing dogs in their forever homes and she loves seeing that there is a home out there for every type of dog.  In her effort to help dogs be happy members of their families, she came across quite of few interesting dogs and people.

One of her favorite success stories is that of CJ.  CJ was a six year old, rescued Labrador Retriever who suffered from seizures, and he was...excitable.  She remembers entering his home for the first time and being greeted by 65 pounds of jumping, kissing fur.  He meant well, but he was a lot to handle, and his owners were eager to start training.  CJ, though, was smart, and his owners were diligent.  He picked up on commands quickly and pretty soon he was sitting politely as people came in the door instead of jumping all over them.  It was at this point that his parents approached her and said they knew CJ had more to give, and they wanted him to be a therapy dog.  She talked to them about what would be required and the different test he would have to take, and they decided to go for it.

As good as CJ was, he still had some work to do.  He got really excited around other dogs, and this posed a problem during his first test.  He just wanted to say "hi", but that extra bit of pulling meant he didn't pass.  So, they practiced a little more.  They met on weekends and the dog park where she made CJ work before he could play.  She brought new and exciting dogs to CJ's house where he would have to behave well before he could meet them.  They talked about diet changes and exercise to help with both his seizures and his excitement and they worked a lot on what could be done at home when there weren't as many distractions.

It took a few months, but after a lot of practice, CJ went to take the test again.  He passed!!!  Since that time CJ has put a smile on many faces, his seizures have improved, and he has even welcomed a new brother into his home.  Valerie says that still, the memory of seeing how happy his mom was when he passed will stick with her forever.  She was supposed to be moving into her new home and was hesitant to leave her husband with the movers, but sharing in that excitement and joy was something she was glad that she did not miss.  She is still so proud of CJ and all that was accomplished.

And now, after many days and weeks and years of driving around the city of Richmond, Va., thing are changing.  Impawsible Pups is proud to announce that they are expanding.  On July 16, 2012 they will open a doggie day care and boarding facility.  Valerie will still offer training, but now can also provide other services like grooming, puppy socials and possibly even some "Doga" (dog yoga).  This is something that she has always dreamed of and can't wait to get this started.  If you have some free time this summer, stop on by 2109 Spencer Road in Richmond, Virginia and see what they have to offer.  Better yet, come to the Grand Opening on August 18th.  You can reach Valerie at 804-514-2131 or by email at trainer@impawsiblepups.com

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